In today's business world, you have to deal with information overload everyday with data arriving in many different forms and from multiple sources. The best way to stay on top of all of your incoming, outgoing and stored information is by adopting some type of business process automation technology that will help you stay compliant and efficient.
Perhaps you have heard of these types of solutions before, though you may still have some questions and reservations about them. Hopefully after reading this article you will have a better understanding of what capture-enabled business process management (BPM) does and how it can change your business.
Your business processes are a mix of internal and external generated information, combined with human interactions and process decisions along the way, which can get very complicated. So how can a capture enabled BPM solution handle these types of intricate and complex business processes?
Capture-enabled BPM is a powerful combination of information capture technologies, BPM and dynamic case management. The information capture piece drastically reduces your organisation’s labour intensive processes by capturing all types of content for automatic classification, extraction, validation and delivery into applications, processes and repositories. BPM is a way of combining technology and management disciplines to ultimately improve the way you work and to perform at maximum efficiency. Dynamic case management is a collaborative and information-intensive process driven by outside events requiring incremental and progressive responses, human judgments and co-ordination. It is a dynamic way of managing the information that is coming in and leaving your organisation.
These are some of the benefits:
So how does this all actually work?
When information comes into your organisation in any form, a document capture solution technology automatically captures, extracts, validates and classifies through a no-touch process. It doesn't matter what format your information is in; whether it's a fax, email, SMS, XML, PDF format, or anything else, these solutions will translate that data into its proper place. The data can be delivered directly into your business applications, ERP, CRM, or anywhere you need the information to go. The software is highly customisable and can be easily integrated with just about any application or system, while still delivering its high quality information.
This process eliminates the need for manual data entry and manual sorting, filing and searching. It greatly increases efficiency and it ultimately improves the business processes that it is being used on.