bizhub Connector for Dropbox

The bizhub Connector for Dropbox application allows you to directly access Dropbox, a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and client software. With this application, you can browse through your Dropbox folders, access files in Dropbox, scan documents into Dropbox, and much more - all at the MFP. This application also features a finger-swipe touch control interface, maximizing your productivity at the MFP.

You can quickly access your Dropbox files in the cloud with this easy-to-use app featuring a finger-swipe touch control interface. Log into Dropbox at the MFP, browse through folders, preview and print files, scan documents into Dropbox, and much more - all directly at the MFP. Please note that this app is only supported on the following bizhub engines (when equipped with version U8 firmware): C658; C558, C458; C368, C308, C258; C287, C227; 958, 808; 558, 458; 368, 308; 287, 227. Contact your local Konica Minolta Servicing organization to ensure your device is equipped with the proper firmware.