
OnBase is a single enterprise information platform for managing content, processes and cases. OnBase has transformed thousands of organisations worldwide by empowering them to become more agile, efficient and effective. As you browse the sections below, you’ll learn why the single OnBase platform is able to provide an almost unlimited number of solutions across your departments, throughout your enterprise.

One platform. Unlimited potential.

A single enterprise information platform for managing content, processes and cases

Transform your organisation by managing your content, processes and cases on a single platform. Whether you implement a single departmental solution or deploy solutions across your entire enterprise, you will increase productivity, reduce operating costs and minimise risk. Improve your level of service by empowering your employees with the information they need, when they need it.

OnBase provides a single platform on which to build content-enabled applications. With one system to support, maintain and upgrade, you’ll realise a low total cost of ownership and minimise IT sprawl.

The OnBase product suite is built on a single database, code base and content repository. The OnBase platform is continually updated to ensure that OnBase stays current with industry trends and technology innovations.

The Business Benefits of Choosing OnBase

Providing employees with a complete view of information

OnBase automates your processes, manages your important business content in one secure location and works with your other applications to deliver your information whenever – and wherever – you need it.

Once you have your information under control, you have visibility into the status of processes, documents and information while also supporting retention requirements.

Streamline processes, positively impact your bottom line

By utilising OnBase, your organisation:

Improves your level of service

  • Allows customers, constituents and students to complete forms and make requests online
  • Provides real-time visibility into the status of requests, transactions and orders
  • Reduces time spent searching for documents and information

Reduces operating costs

  • Speeds processes by automating predictable decisions and providing useful tools to manage all surrounding tasks, activities and case work
  • Increases productivity by providing instant access to content and processes from anywhere, even a mobile device
  • Eliminates the costs of printing, shipping and storing paper by electronically capturing content

Minimises risk

  • Allows easy enforcement of your security policies, controls access and tracks activities
  • Facilitates reporting and auditing of required and missing information
  • Automates retention and records management requirements

These are the high-level benefits that OnBase can bring to every organisation.

The Benefits of OnBase for Your IT Department

One platform, unlimited applications across your enterprise

OnBase is a single product, not a brand representing a large portfolio of acquired products. OnBase combines the ability to manage content, processes and cases on a single platform. This minimises IT sprawl by decreasing the number of systems you need to manage, while reducing data silos and disconnected applications.

Leverage a flexible, low-code platform for content-enabled solutions across your enterprise – rapidly configuring new and consolidating existing applications. With point-and-click configurability, you don’t need to be a developer or database administrator to create and maintain an OnBase solution. OnBase is built on a single end-to-end architecture, available on-premises or in the cloud. With one system to support, maintain and upgrade, you’ll realise a lower total cost of ownership while maintaining IT governance and control.

OnBase is a future-proof platform

OnBase meets your IT needs, long into the future because it is:

  • Configurable without code – OnBase is point-and-click configurable, allowing you to use checkboxes, radio buttons and drop-down menus to quickly configure and easily change solutions. That means no expensive, time-consuming and difficult-to-maintain coding or scripting.
  • Scalable across your organisation – OnBase scales as requirements evolve, so you will never outgrow your OnBase system. Start in one department and grow your solution over time as needs and requirements change. Maintain speed and performance, even as you continue to expand and enhance your solution.
  • Continually enhanced – The development of OnBase is 100 per cent in-house and never outsourced. Since our beginning in 1991, we’ve averaged two releases a year – one major and one minor. This ensures OnBase remains relevant with evolving industry trends, stays current with technological innovations, and supports the latest operating systems, browsers and applications.
  • Easily upgradable- With OnBase, all your solution components are upgraded together, eliminating the challenges of upgrading multiple custom-coded or point solutions. Take advantage of incremental parallel upgrades, minimising downtime by allowing more than one OnBase version to run simultaneously.