YSoft SafeQ

Keeps printing and print costs under control

Corporate environments generally need an accurate overview of printing operations and costs in order to meet budgets and keep the cost of printing down. Also, most educational and public organisations as well as companies with project-based work want to charge printing costs back to individual users. For all these needs, YSoft SafeQ Print Management is the perfect answer and ensures the advanced transparency that’s required. As a viable tool for comprehensive user and cost management, SafeQ provides central user and role management, facilitates cost assignment and chargeback, includes budget and quota management capabilities, and supports detailed output and cost reporting.

YSoft SafeQ workflow

YSoft SafeQ

YSoft SafeQ

Central user and role management

  • Centralised user management
  • Permission templates
  • Centralised authentication management

Cost assignment and chargeback

  • Print accounting and monitoring
  • Automatic tracking
  • Tracking of third-party devices
  • Individual price calculation
  • Flexible cost allocation
  • Monitoring of local printers

Budget and quota management

  • Easy budget assignment
  • Periodic budget reset
    • Cash desk reload
    • Self-service reload
    • Credit card reload

Detailed output and cost reporting

  • Web reports
  • Management reports
  • Export of report results
  • Automated reporting

Get the product brochure now to have all information at hand.

YSoft SafeQ brochure