YSoft SafeQ

Effective document capture with efficient scan workflows

As a comprehensive solution and efficient platform, the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Suite provides the capability to implement document capture solutions to make information widely available for any business purpose, and yet ensures security and transparency, compliance and enhanced competitiveness. YSoft SafeQ utilises sophisticated technology for the capture and processing of digital content. And with its managed workflows, the suite helps eliminate the complexity of scanning for both administrators and users, turning digital workflows into the productivity enhancement that enterprises expect.

YSoft SafeQ workflow

YSoft SafeQ

YSoft SafeQ

Document capture

  • MFP embedded capturing
  • Secure MFP access
  • Limitation of scanning options

Document distribution

  • Browse folders
  • Delivery options
  • One-click secure scanning
  • External connectors

Document processing

  • Barcode recognition
  • Reliable OCR text recognition
  • Image improvement
  • Highlight text naming

Additional feature: Reporting

  • Predefined or custom management reports
  • Executive and green reports
  • Central reporting available for long term trend analysis

Get the product brochure now to have all information at hand.

YSoft SafeQ brochure